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A unified backend for city services

To cover the identified areas of interest the CityCLIM project aimed to provide two sets of mitigation and adaptation services to tackle Urban Heat Island effects and other climate change related hazards. These two sets are targeting different stakeholders within a city: the general public and decision makers within each region.

Generic City Climate Platform

The Generic City Climate Platform (GCCP) is a scalable multi-cloud solution and the central software part of the CityCLIM ecosystem that handles the orchestration and management of workflows required for the processing of various types of data (e.g., weather stations, mobile sensors, earth-observation, airborne, models, …) that form the foundation of the City Climate Services.

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All services are provided via a modern SaaS-solution: the Generic City Climate Platform (GCCP). This platform collects all input data for the service provision, unifies and postprocesses them, and provides a variety of so-called “Engines” that generate the relevant output from the weather model and other service components.


However, the GCCP is not only a sheer data collection and processing tool, it also provides a user-centred frontend that allows its subscribers to access all services visually via an intuitive dashboard. Furthermore, the GCCP provides API endpoint for all participating cities, so that the output of some services (e.g., the Citizen Climate Knowledge Services) can be also accessed directly and each city can decide individually on how to display or integrate these services on their own public outlets for their citizen. 


View on monitoring dashboard showing relevant information on processing tasks and communication within the platform.

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Αυτό το έργο έχει λάβει χρηματοδότηση από το πρόγραμμα έρευνας και καινοτομίας Horizon 2020 της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης στο πλαίσιο της συμφωνίας επιχορήγησης αρ. εν τούτω.

© 2023 CityClim Consortium Partners

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