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Pilot city No. 3

Short description of the participating organisation for the Valencia City Pilot:

In 1975, València City Council began to control and monitor atmospheric pollution in the city of València. At present (since 1994), the responsibility for the control and monitoring of atmospheric pollution in the city of València lies with the Acoustic and Air Quality Delegation (Beaches, Acoustic and Air Quality Service), through an Automatic Air Pollution Control Network, which measures atmospheric pollutants and meteorological parameters. The fundamental objective of this network is to monitor the quality of the air in the city in order to protect people's health and to comply with the legislative precept of monitoring the health quality of the air that is breathed. The aforementioned network continuously and uninterruptedly monitors the emission levels (emissions once they have been dispersed into the atmosphere) of the main pollutants which, when released into the atmosphere, have a negative impact on people, goods and the environment. The different stations that make up the Network, distributed throughout the city, provide data that allow the evolution over time of the pollutants and their trends to be analysed, detecting possible episodes of atmospheric pollution, allowing citizens to be informed of the quality of the ambient air at all times.

Description of the main tasks in the project 

1. To provide data on the levels of pollutants related to air quality available to the Service through the automatic stations located in the city of València.


2. To provide specific support to disseminate the results of the research carried out.


3. To establish a relationship between the research groups in order to be able to make possible management and planning decisions for the city in terms of the environmental aspect.


Leader of the Service and Urban Climate Platform Field-Test.

What are our interests in CityCLIM?

The emphasis on the Pilot of the City of Valencia lays on knowledge creation about specific individual climate change invoked problems for the City of Valencia, and its subsequent transfer to city administration stakeholders to enable the development of adequate responses to mitigate the observed effects. 

  • The City of Valencia will be provided with a highly accurate tool of a fine-mesh weather forecast (UltraHD) allowing to prepare for extreme heat events and receive a better understanding of the origin of cooler nocturnal breezes – which means city planning authorities will also get a better idea where and how future city planning decisions could impact the city’s microclimate and potentially to date unknown relevant determinants of the city’s air quality (e.g., future tall buildings could create a problem for the city’s microclimate). 

  • Gain insights about land and sea interaction. 

  • Additionally, the city of Valencia will gain insight into the subjective sensation of heat and heat-stress of their own citizens. 

  • During the operational operationally running of the Advanced UltraHD, the city of Valencia will also receive air quality predictions. 

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 101036814. This website reflects the views only of the Consortium, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained herein.

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